Camp Tallchief or Camp Swannie
The purpose of this endowment is to support any capital, operating or program need at Camp Tallchief or Camp Swannie. The investment of this fund shall be governed by the investment polices of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, and the assets of this fund may be commingled with other endowment assets, for the purpose of investing, but separate accounting shall be maintained so that the principal and the income shall be clearly identified.
The endowment may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma for the intended purpose. If Camp Tallchief and Camp Swannie should no longer remain properties of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, the endowment may be used to support the capital, program or operating needs of any property owned by the council as determined by a vote of the Board of Directors. If it should ever become impossible or impractical to utilize the endowment as provided herein, the Board of Directors at its discretion may use the endowment to support any other use most similar to the original intent.
Camp Wah-Shah-She
The purpose of this endowment is to support any capital, operating or program need at Camp Wah-Shah-She. The investment of this fund shall be governed by the investment polices of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, and the assets of this fund may be commingled with other endowment assets, for the purpose of investing, but separate accounting shall be maintained so that the principal and the income shall be clearly identified.
The endowment may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma for the intended purpose. If Camp Wah-Shah-She should no longer remain properties of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, the endowment may be used to support the capital, program or operating needs of any property owned by the council as determined by a vote of the Board of Directors. If it should ever become impossible or impractical to utilize the endowment as provided herein, the Board of Directors at its discretion may use the endowment to support any other use most similar to the original intent.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma
The purpose of this endowment is to support any capital, operating or program needs of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma. The investment of this fund shall be governed by the investment polices of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, and the assets of this fund may be commingled with other endowment assets, for the purpose of investing, but separate accounting shall be maintained so that the principal and the income shall be clearly identified. The endowment may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma for any needs associated with the council. If it should ever become impossible or impractical to utilize the endowment as provided herein, the Board of Directors at its discretion may use the endowment to support any other use most similar to the original intent.